EPIC Windy Dunes | Death Valley Landscape Photography

As a landscape photographer, you really can not ask for more. This was perhaps my best day as a landscape photographer capturing these gorgeous dunes on a windy day. I also got to share the experience with a few friends! Below is a collection of my favorite landscape photography from that day.

Landscape Photography, Death Valley National Park
Landscape Photography, Death Valley National Park

I love the way that golden light kisses the top edge of the ridges, creating such a surreal look to these images, they almost look like CGI. I also thought the dusting of sand blowing across the peaks made for a really nice touch.

Death Valley Landscape Photography
Death Valley Landscape Photography

I mention this in the video. But when I capture panoramic images, I am almost always a bit uncertain about how they will stitch and look in the end. I am really happy with the way this one came out. The panorama is a stitch of about 3 telephoto frames.

Landscape Photography Death Valley
Landscape Photography Death Valley

Here is a darker image, taken right before sunset. The vivid light creating these mirrored patterns was spectacular to witness and photograph. Moments like this are always so fleeting. So I was really happy to capture this one before the moment was gone.

Death Valley Landscape Photography
Death Valley Landscape Photography

Death Valley Landscape Photography
Death Valley Landscape Photography

This image represents something a bit different for me. I love the inclusion of these people standing atop the ridge. My mind starts to wander a bit and I create fantastical stories of why these people are out there. Maybe these are explorers taking a long journey across to a nearby town for survival. Or perhaps we are on another planet and a giant sandworm will pop out from below. 😉

Death Valley Landscape Photography
Death Valley Landscape Photography

Death Valley Landscape Photography
Death Valley Landscape Photography

Something a little more simple and minimalist right before sunset. I loved these rolling ridges with that thin backlighting, creating these stark edges.

Death Valley Landscape Photography
Death Valley Landscape Photography

I managed to snap this one right after sunset as the light got much softer. This image reminds me of silk sheets blowing in the wind.

Death Valley Landscape Photography
Death Valley Landscape Photography

landscape photographer
Death Valley Landscape Photography

Death Valley National Park always leaves me awestruck, I could photograph here for months straight and still find new/intriguing compositions. I really hope you enjoyed this new gallery of images and the vlog to go with this. If you would like to see more check out my other dunes vlog from 2022 here.


  1. Nahid ansari

    This image is realy look stunning and loved it sir amazing work♥️ from Nepal

  2. I had seen the vlog last week and I was curious about your website. The photos are really great!

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