Lightning over the Golden Gate Bridge

San Francisco Lightning Photography taken at the Golden Gate Bridge.

San Francisco Lightning, Golden Gate Bridge Photography.
San Francisco Lightning, Golden Gate Bridge Photography.

This is a stacked image from a 3 hour timelapse I did during the lightning storm 2017 in San Francisco. I selected the 30 best exposures to include in the stacked final image. For the last 5 years I have attempted to get a shot like this. Each time failing and ending up with no images, going home cold, wet and discouraged. This was a night shooting that I will never forget.

Here’s a stop motion sequence of the storm image. The time span covers about 3 hours of shooting. After each shot I needed to constantly wipe the lens down from all the rain. I used a dust blower, to clean the lens from the side and to not smudge water across the lens.

Here are two other angles of lightning striking around the Golden Gate Bridge. The first image is a close up of the north tower. The second image is of the south tower, with lightning striking near Sutro Tower.

San Francisco Lightning
San Francisco Lightning Photography

Facing the opposite way of the Golden Gate Bridge, there were some really incredible bolts striking out to sea. I had my main camera shooting timelapse of the bridge and my second camera shooting different angles of lighting striking around the area.

golden gate bridge photography
Golden Gate Bridge photography

Earlier in the night, the heavy rain obscured the view of the bridge and it was looking really unlikely that lightning would start striking. Sitting out in the rain for hours can be a little bit discouraging and there were multiple moments where I wanted to give up and leave. I am glad I stuck it out to capture these incredible moments.

If you would like a print of this stacked Golden Gate Bridge Lightning image, Click here for a link to the print section on my website.


  1. This is really cool some nice shots and great paitents…… it would be awsome tl see this tutorial on a youtube video

  2. Great persistence combined with editing results in a stunning one of a kind photo. Amazing dude.

  3. This is incredible, I enjoyed watching the timelapse.

  4. JMorrisImagery

    Really stunning work. Persistence pays off! Conditions like that are so rare… and then dialing in and maintaining exposure… just excellent. I really enjoyed looking at this!

  5. Dustin Olson

    How can I purchase the this pic I’d love to get this made onto a canvas !

  6. Shain,

    these photos speaks to me, im a DV recovering from injuries, looking for images i can purchase or utilize for free. I dont want to steal you work. I would be honored to have your master pieces as symbol of my start up. Also, i just retired from the Army from the military over 2 yrs ago and you might find some information in the internet that are misleading or shows that i am not trustworthy but I am willing for us to meet and set up an appointment if you are willing to take a chance.


    Joash Baniqued

  7. Robert Gallo

    I once loved S.F. Bay but politics and and a stroke have left me unconnected to any real feelings I once had. I wonder if the Bay Area has any idea of the politics in Modesto , Ca. Anyway , nice pictures.

    I don’t think i’ll drive to the Bay Area ever again . I’m no longer excited over S.F. Bay. Dianne Feinstein are you still in office ?

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