Landscape Photography Lightroom Tutorial
Landscape Photography Lightroom Tutorial: In this 45-minute tutorial, I will explain in depth how to use the powerful Lightroom editing platform. Giving you both basic techniques to get you started and advanced techniques to fine-tune your images. This tutorial covers the basics of how to get started editing images in Lightroom. But also includes many techniques that I use for my own images on a daily basis.
$50 USD plus taxes.
Left: Original, Right: Final with Lightroom processing
Adobe Lightroom *Preferably the latest version for the Dehaze Filter, however old versions will work with most of the techniques covered*
- Lightroom editing tools and a basic description of what each tool will do.
- How to crop and straighten images.
- How to adjust contrast, exposure, and tones using multiple tools.
- Color correcting and adjusting colors.
- Noise reduction, sharpening, lens corrections, and the cloning tool.
- Beyond basic techniques, I will also show you creative ways of using gradient filters and radial filters. Also, a simple and powerful way to vignette your images.
- We will also cover how to create moody-toned images, black/white, and split-toned images.
During the photo editing tutorial, we will go through how I would process multiple types of images including Seascapes, City Images, Waterfall Images, and an Abstract Landscape photo. This tutorial does NOT cover how to catalog images or how to use the book/slideshow features.
*Video is narrated in English.*
$50 USD plus taxes.
More examples from the course
Left: Original, Right: Final with Lightroom processing
Left: Original, Right: Blue Toned Image with Lightroom processing
Left: Split Toned Image, Right: Black and White Image