The Key to Growing as a Photographer – Landscape Photography Tips
In this video, I talk about how to keep growing as a photographer. I also share some photography tips and how to take photos that are more meaningful.

Here is one of my favorite detail photographs from the video. Taken on a sunny clear blue sky day. I used my 100-400mm lens to focus into this little stream. I love how in this image the patterns resemble little tornados. Next time you are out taking photos, spend some time wandering around looking a bit closer at whats around you. Sometimes those end up being the most creative images.

In the video, I talk a bit about also capturing waves from a distance and how my telephoto lens allows me to simplify scenes (or to find more interesting moments). This technique can really apply to any landscape though, not just the coast. It’s all about looking for little scenes out in the distance. This could be done at a waterfall, mountain, or forest.
Here are some details shot with my 16-35mm lens. Pointing the camera straight down. For abstract images like this, I tend to shoot at F16 or even F18 to avoid focus stacking. The overcast weather worked really well to soften the light on the landscape.

Every time I wander up and down the coast, I am always looking down. The sand patterns can be easy to miss and walk straight past. But when focused up close at sunset, they can reveal some spectacular shapes.