California Seascape Photography
A collection of coastal photography taken in San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Big Sur, San Diego and More.
Seascape photography has been one of my main focuses for a long time. Growing up by the sea in San Diego, the ocean has always been a place for me to relax and clear my head. Taking coastal photography has allowed me to do two of my favorite things, spend a day at the beach and shoot photography. Below are images taken over the years from 2011-2023. If you would like a print of any of these coastal photos please contact me here or visit my print store.
These are two of my favorite coastal images I have ever taken. The first was taken in San Francisco during a low tide and the second was taken at the famous Davenport Crack near Santa Cruz California.
Two completely different compositions and days around the San Francisco coastline. I have gone back to these locations countless times over the years. These two days provided some incredible light.

Baker Beach, not far from the Golden Gate Bridge. With some incredible winter stormy light and some rough seas.
Two different evenings and perspectives from Rodeo Beach in Marin County.

This was by far one of the most incredible displays of light I have ever seen in San Francisco. This panorama shows a 180-degree perspective near the Golden Gate Bridge.
Two different beaches with double sea-stacks. The second image was taken using a twilight blend method. By taking the foreground after sunset and then waiting 20 minutes to capture the sky, so that I could achieve a shorter shutter speed for the water motion with the stars.
One of the more unique rock formations found on the Half Moon Bay coastline.
Found along the Santa Cruz and Davenport coastline are some beautiful rock formations and flows.
Rugged coastal cliffs along the Big Sur Coastline. One of my favorite places in California to camp and explore.
While Santa Barbra might not offer the ruggedness of the Northern Coast, there are still some beautiful gems to find.

My hometown of San Diego, is where my journey through photography started. I still gain inspiration every time I come back to visit.

Thank you so much for checking out my Coastal California Photography collection. If you would like to learn how I process images like these check out my tutorial page. You can also purchase a print from any of these images, check out my print section or email me for specific requests at
Absolutely breathtaking!
Thanks so much Wilma!
So stunning man! Thanks so much for putting up some high res images for download. Can’t wait to use these as wallpapers. Inspiring work as always.
Thanks Zach, glad you like them!
Nice man, some of the finest seascapes out there.
Thanks Matt! 😀
So much inspiration from this article! I need to move to Cali! Keep inspiring Michael!
Thanks so much Lucho, see you on our next workshop! 🙂
Absolutely Stunning collection Michael !
Your images inspired me from the beginning of my photography career since a few years ago till this day, the composition and quality of your works always inspires me a lot, hope I can reach that level some day haha.
Thank you so much, that means a ton, keep on shootin! 😀
Thanks Michael, now i can appreciate your excellent work everyday at work
Thank you Juan!
These are outstanding. Thank you so much for sharing!
Thanks for checking them out Ben!
Such an incredible collection of seascapes Michael!
Thank you so much for uploading them in high resolution also – aside from being the best desktop/phone background it’s super helpful for studying composition, technique, lighting etc 🙂
– Dale, Australia
I am glad you enjoy them Dale, thanks so much!
Amazing photos brother.The determination and hardwork you took is completely shown in your photographs..superb post processing..
Thank you so much!
Amazing… Absolutely… I am lost for words at your talent
I really appreciate that, thanks! 🙂
… I usually see your photos on instagram to inspired me, actually everytime! I started as a photographer because once i saw one of your photos and I thought How is it possible?
Amazing work! I can’t understand how do you get that smooth feel or texture in the rocks… Greetings from Costa Rica! You should come here some day 🙂
U r Fantastic….
You’re work is stunning, would love to see more!!!
Michael, your work never ceases to inspire me. Keep it up brother.
Awesome collection. I really want to know these locations.
Just found your page. Inspiring images. Big Sur is my favorite area on the Cali Coast. I’m headed to Zion this March. Have you shot from there?
Thanks so much Mike! I have shot there quite a bit, but not in the last two or three years unfortunately.
You make me want to keep shooting landscapes. 🙂 breathtaking. As soon as this lockdown is over I’m going to shoot more seascapes. I’m only about an hour and a half from San Francisco and Santa Cruz and Davenport are not extremely far away from me. About 3 hours. I cant wait snd thank you for the inspiration. Your photos are amazing.
Hey, these are soo good! Could I have permission to download some for wallpapers?
Thanks, sure! just download the image and you are free to use it for personal wallpapers.
Absolutely gorgeous. I used to live in Ukiah, and how I wish I could have captured those fog waves over the Sausalito Hills (I think). But all your shots are great. Thank you so much for sharing.
I’m doing a project for my Humanities class and your photo is a large part of my final project. I Just can’t seem to find much information on it. If there is any way you could maybe email me and give me a few details such as the size of the photo, if it’s owned by any museums or such, and if the photo makes you feel any sort of specific emotion? My email is (this is my school email) thank you.
These are amazing to view and enjoy. They blow away any desire to wade into the technical issues, they’re too beautiful to worry about the mechanics, just sit back and let the scenes express their own messages of peace and wonder.